Friday, March 7, 2008

Simple to Advanced Energy Manipulation

Usually students are just told to visualize energy for energy manipulation exercises. I feel that this great at first, but eventually you need to start to really feel the energy. I don’t believe that most people can reach such a state of awareness without experimentation; however I also think that no one can experiment in magick without an idea of what they want. This is because you can’t really work you’re willpower without a goal to work towards. In other words you have to have an idea of what kind of energy you want to build, and more importantly, why.

There are many different ways to get farther connected with the energies around you. Here are four ideas that I’ve used myself listed in order of least to most challenging:

  1. Feeling for patterns and differences in the energies in the objects and space around you
  2. Connecting to the energy around you as if it is part of your own body
  3. Taking the entire universe into your own being/merging your soul into the void
  4. Spell work

Each of these is surprising and difficult in its own right. Each has its own unique qualities of learning.

Feeling patterns of energies seems simple at first, but I have been working on this for a few years and I just figured something new out two days ago. There is always something new to learn by listening to our world. Every environment has its own energy signature. That signature is echoed in the other planes. By feeling out the energies that surround you, you can be able to not only develop a greater sense of detail, but you may eventually be able to connect to the astral and elemental planes while fully conscious. It also allows you to tell things about people at first glance that it should take weeks or even months to know. Most importantly in the development of your energy manipulating abilities is that this, in time, will give you a sense of energy as if it was a physical object.

Once you are able to feel energy as if it was solid you can begin to move it as if it was apart of your body. In a way this is your willpower’s equivalent to martial artists using weapons. Something that is previously considered separate from you now becomes as much a part of you as your own arm. The first thing you do is become aware of the energy around you. Next comes the new and hard part, you have to try to feel through the energy around you. Expand your senses as if you were physically touching something out of your reach. Once you have done this enough you may start to feel as if the energy is a part of you. After this it is not much of a jump to contracting and relaxing the energy as if it is a muscle.

The hardest all at once to master is easily merging your soul with the void. This is reaching the state of awareness which allows you to feel the entire universe within yourself. I am incredibly lucky to have developed this. I only managed it because I stumbled onto it one day through an epiphany. If the gods are the entire universe and there is nothing of the gods that is not of us… so we are the universe. Within a minute or so of thinking this way I had the oddest sensation of cosmic energy and clarity. It was as if the entire universe was flowing through my veins. This state of mind takes most decades to develop so please don’t get discouraged if it doesn’t work right away.

The reason I put spell work as the hardest exercise is because you will never truly be done with this. There will always be room for improvement. The reason I believe it to be a good exercise is that when you invoke the goddess and work with the universe to accomplish your goals you are taking lessons from the goddess herself. For this especially I would recommend solitary work, however it is always present and will always work well when you or a group call upon the goddess.

As always I ask that if you have any questions, comments, worries, or ideas for something specific you’d like to talk about, please either leave a comment or email me at

Monday, February 4, 2008

Fun with Candles

Recently a friend of mine asked me about candle magick. Even though it is one of the most basic types of spell casting most beginning witches don’t know HOW it works. Everyone knows how to do it, but in witchcraft you will never be as powerful just following directions as if you know how everything works. I figured that being a part of the craft that generally has its meaning ignored candle magick is a perfect subject for a discussion.

Candle magick has two main energy components: you and the fire. The “you” in the equation is self explainable. It means your individual will power and how you shape the energies around you. The fire is simply the energy of the wick going into the universe. Why this is such a powerful type of spell casting is that you’re grabbing a hold on the energy of the fire with your will power and shaping the universe. Another reason it is so successful is that it take years and years to have a spiritual technique steady enough for a well done spell. The fire from a candle is steady. Therefore your spell casting will be more even and successful work.

There are many ways to spice up candle spells so that you add a bit of extra oomph to the spell. Some people anoint candles with oils. I prefer a different technique. This is something I recently came up with and I would love for feedback on the idea.

First you need an old fashion candle making set. One that you have to dip the wick in the wax a few hundred times before it’s done. While making the candle empower it with your will with every dip while saying what you want. Once you are done with the candle you will have enchanted it a hundred times over. If you are not completely exhausted then you aren’t doing this properly. It will take immense amounts of spiritual energy for this. The results are worth every bit of energy spent. The spell is completely in the candle. It should remain there, if you seal it, until you burn the candle. When you do more energy than you can imagine in a single spell will be released. Not only is it immensely powerful it also lasts for hours. This is perfect if you can’t put every once of energy into a spell for hours, which most people cant. This way you only have to give it in short bursts.

If anyone has any other ideas I would love to hear them. Thanks for reading. :)

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Where it came from

Earlier I was thinking of just waiting for my first topic to come along, but yesterday afternoon my other half suggested that many may not yet know where our craft originates from. I thought, at first that it was too much of a tutorial. I want this to be a place of constructive conversation instead of lecture. However when I thought of her idea I realized, as I often do, that she was right. How can you truly work with a way of life if you do not know its roots?

Many believe that Wicca originates from the Celts. Truth be told there are two major parts of the craft that come from two different sources, the second much broader than the first. When it comes to religious concept concerning the God and the Goddess it seems to have originated from the Celtic isles.

Pre-Christian religion in the area involved the two main gods, the horned god and the mother goddess. These Celtic religions also hosted a number of lesser Gods and Goddesses, though unlike the continental religions they centered their worship and rituals on the God and the Goddess.

When it comes to the personal growth and spiritual development of an individual we draw from a much larger source, the entire world. There are many meditation techniques that come from the Far East. There are many spiritual guides that we use help us become closer to ourselves that are from different cultures that you would not think to have been taken into witchcraft at all. One such example is the Kabala from the Jewish faith. There are also many meditations calling on Greek and roman gods and many spiritual techniques taken from Native Americans. This is why I personally connect so well with Wicca. Although it does originate from the Celts, it also teaches you through the wisdom of points of view from all over the globe.

I just want to add a few more things in this post. I want to reiterate that I am still learning so there must be things that I don’t know. I encourage anyone reading this to go out and look on your own for something that I haven’t found. This was a very brief synopsis of the origins of Wicca and dealt only with its base origins and not with how it rose to popularity. I again encourage anyone reading to go out and find out more, and most importantly don’t take this for absolute truth. I’m telling you what I know but I may not be completely accurate. Go and find out for yourself. A good place to start is